Hey I wasn't the first one to come up with the term "liberaltarian," although I did think of it independently of seeing it somewhere first, for whatever that's worth. Yes, the small "l" is intentional- it's not a political party or a strict dogma. My motto (which I did rip off from a bumbersticker) is that you shouldn't believe everything you think. Cheers-

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gun Control Post-Newtown

As I have posted before, I am a supporter of the Second Amendment.  And I think military-style weapons like the one used in the Newtown slaughter are probably the most-protected of weapons- the Second Amendment is primarily designed to protect yourself, your state, or your country from an invading attack, foreign or domestic.  But just as you cannot falsely yell "fire" in a crowded moviehouse, the "well regulated" clause of the Amendment allows that there is much we can do to control these dangerous weapons and do our best to make sure they are only used for legitimate purposes.  To wit, my proposal- I'm always open to tweaks and suggestions though:

The Well-Regulated Militia Act of 2013

           Recognizing that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual’s right to “keep and bear arms,” yet also provides that this right exists to provide a “well-regulated militia,” this Act henceforth shall require:

(a)   No person may possess an handgun or semi-automatic centerfire weapon  without first being trained in their proper use and storage, and being judged legally and mentally competent, by an appropriate state or federal licensing authority. 

(b) Any person licensed to own such weapons shall be required to secure them from other persons not such licensed, and shall be held criminally liable if other persons gain access to them if not secured according to regulations promulgated according to this section.

(c) This Act is retroactive to any person owning such firearms, who must either get such licensing within 12 months of final regulations being promulgated, or sell them to a state or to the federal government for disposal or resale to qualified buyers.

(d) The BATF shall issue proposed regulations implementing this Act within six months of passage, and final regulations within 12 months of passage.